C4T #3 I am following David Wees blog, DW 21st Century Educator. Wees is a mathematics teacher and learning specialist for technology at Stratford Hall. In his post, he gave his followers a list of math apps that he has collected over the years.
My comment to him explained who I was and what I was learning in EDM 310. I informed him how I think math is important for students at all ages in their educational journey. I told him that he provided his followers with a great teaching tool. And I thanked him for
C4T #3 post #2 Mr. Wees post this week was about math activities for the measurement unit. He had some great ideas for students to interactively work and learn together. His activities were: "How long is a minute?", "What day of the week will your birthday be on next year?", "How many times will my heart beat in an hour?", "How long is a foot?", and "How heavy are things?". All of these activities have instructions for you to use.
I comment and told him that I liked the first activity the best. This activity is "How long is a minute?". You break your students into pairs, one student has a timer and the other person tells the person with the timer when to stop when they think it has been a minute. Then, they switch and collect the data. I like this activity because it is simple and sometimes a minute feels long and other times it feels short. So, I think it would be fun for the students.
Good job.